4 Natural remedies against sore throats


A sore throat can really annoy you, tingling and burning, difficulty swallowing, breathing, talking … To remedy naturally, discover our natural remedies against sore throat.

In most cases, sore throats are due to infectious inflammation of the throat, smoking, the cries, allergies or eating too cold drinks.

 Sore throat, have two solutions!

  1.  You can go to the doctor , of course, prescribe a long list of drugs that will cost you and may be ineffective, not to mention the side effects.
  2. The second solution is natural and has been proven to relieve pain and sore throat. These remedies used by our ancestors to treat and prevent diseases simple to cure. Accessible and natural, these remedies against sore throat you will be a great help.

4 natural remedies against the evil of gorge

1. Gargle with garlic


  •  Garlic clove, chopped
  • 1 glass freshly pressed beetroot juice 
  •  1 glass of hot water


To prepare this remedy against sore throat, mix garlic and beetroot juice, then add hot water. Let cool and marinate for 6 hours, then do gargle with this mixture 2-3 times a day.

2. Gargle with honey

A Dutch team of scientists has discovered the honey compound involved in its harmful effect against bacteria, it is a protein known as the defensive. The study found that concentrations of 20% honey or honey 2 ml in 10 ml of bacteria could effectively kill bacteria.

Regarding sore throat, honey is able to kill bacteria responsible for infections of the throat. Moreover, this natural sweetener can alleviate a sore throat with one of its compounds, dextromethorphan, used in the production of medicines against coughing.


  • 1 glass of warm water
  •  3 pinches of salt
  •  1 teaspoon of pure honey
  •  1 teaspoon cider vinegar


Mix all ingredients and gargle with this saline.

3. Russian Remedy


  • 1 teaspoon grated horseradish
  •  1 teaspoon of pure honey
  •  1 glass of warm water


This Russian remedy against sore throat owes its power to its ingredients. To prepare, just mix horseradish and honey in a glass of warm water. Drink the mixture slowly while you gargling.

4. Lemon

Cut a lemon into small pieces and place them in your mouth, as close to your throat, and keep your mouth closed for a few minutes. Lemon pieces will soften, which will then allow you to chew and swallow easily. This remedy against sore throat will help relieve pain naturally.



Sometimes natural solutions can be more effective than medication and save you some money. The next time you will suffer from sore throat, try all these remedies before resorting to medication. If they do not relieve you, consult with your doctor.


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